Physical protection of computer

The computer must be protected from:

  • Moisture
  • Strong electromagnetic radiations (the diskettes are particularly sensitive to demagnetization, not to pose them on electricals appliance for example)
  • Heat (to avoid for example wedging a central processing unit or a screen counters a wall)
  • Cuts of tension
  • Shocks (to be irritated in the event of planting and to knock its computer are not used for nothing)
  • Dust and tobacco

It as should be made sure as the machines are in buildings which are not in free access.

Concerning the portable computers, a major risk is the flight. Thus never to leave it, and to preferably transport it in a bag pain-killer rather than in the case of origin. In this case, a data protection by cryptography is essential (in the event of flight, the data will be at least preserved).

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